Blogs | Assisting Hands Fremont



The Benefits of Home Care for Families in Union City, CA

By Jay Mehta, 11:37 am on June 1, 2024

Caring for elderly family members can be a challenging and emotional journey. With the rise in the aging population, more families are seeking alternatives to traditional nursing homes or assisted living facilities. One such alternative is home care. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Home Care Union City, CA provided by Assisting …

10 Signs It’s Time to Consider Home Care for Your Aging Parent

By Jay Mehta, 9:00 am on May 30, 2024

As our parents age, their needs often change in ways that can be challenging for families to navigate. Balancing respect for their independence with ensuring they are safe and well-cared for is a delicate task. For many families, professional home care services can provide the necessary support while allowing aging parents to remain in the …

How Can Aging Adults Benefit from Keeping a Journal?

By Jay Mehta, 9:00 am on May 24, 2024

Writing can be therapeutic as well as a way to keep track of crucial information. Aging adults can use writing in their journals as a way to delay cognitive decline, promote emotional health, document crucial information regarding their health, and much more. Encourage your elderly loved one to keep a journal so he or she can …

5 Mood-Boosting Foods for Aging Adults

By Jay Mehta, 9:00 am on May 10, 2024

Eating can make a senior happy for a variety of reasons, but some food contains nutrients that specifically make the brain experience positive feelings. Since elderly people are often susceptible to issues with mood and depression, it’s especially important for you to include the right foods in your senior loved one’s diet to help him …

5 Ways Older Adults Can Handle Chronic Pain

By Jay Mehta, 9:00 am on April 19, 2024

Referring to discomfort that continues for 3–6 months or more or pain that intermittently comes back, chronic pain is a part of life for many adults 65 and older. It’s not always possible to completely eliminate chronic pain. That being said, there are some ways older adults can effectively manage ongoing discomfort and enjoy a …

5 Memory Loss Support Activities to Help with Dementia

By Jay Mehta, 9:00 am on April 5, 2024

Memory loss is one of the most common symptoms associated with dementia, and over time, it can worsen for seniors, making daily life more challenging. There are tasks and projects seniors can take up to boost their memory and strengthen other intellectual functions. Here are several purposeful activities that provide support for older adults with …

Protecting Seniors: Red Flags that Indicate Sweepstakes Scams

By Jay Mehta, 9:00 am on March 25, 2024

Sweepstakes have been around for decades as a way for companies to promote themselves or their products. However, phony sweepstakes have been around nearly as long, and seniors are often targeted by disreputable companies looking for easy targets. Determining a legitimate sweepstakes from the illegitimate kind can be difficult at times, but there are signs …

6 Exciting Hobbies Aging Adults Can Do with Their Peers

By Jay Mehta, 9:00 am on March 22, 2024

As seniors age, it’s important for them to stay connected with their friends. One of the best ways to stay social is engaging in fun hobbies. A few decades ago, seniors were expected to play bingo and knit scarves, but today the hobby options are limitless. Here are a few great hobbies seniors can enjoy …

What Are the Symptoms of A-Fib & How Do You Treat It?

By Jay Mehta, 9:00 am on March 12, 2024

Although atrial fibrillation is relatively common, it’s not well understood. Atrial fibrillation (A-Fib), a condition affecting nearly 3 million Americans, is characterized by an irregular heartbeat originating in the upper chambers of the heart. While often manageable, A-Fib can increase the risk of stroke, heart failure, and related heart complications. The first step in successfully …

Strategies for Aging Adults Looking to Give Up Smoking

By Jay Mehta, 9:00 am on March 11, 2024

It’s never too late in life to curb unhealthy habits. The decision to stop smoking cigarettes can have an immediate impact on senior health, and it’s also a choice that comes with progressive benefits. To succeed in their cessation efforts, however, seniors should have solid plans for both preventing and managing cravings.   Stop Hanging …